List of Tables

2.1 Hexadecimal representation of four bits.
2.2 C/C++ syntax for specifying literal numbers.
2.3 ASCII code for representing characters.
3.1 Correspondence between binary, hexadecimal, and unsigned decimal values for the hexadecimal digits.
3.2 Four-bit signed integers, two’s complement notation.
3.3 Sizes of some C/C++ data types in 32-bit and 64-bit modes.
3.4 Hexadecimal characters and corresponding int.
3.5 BCD code for the decimal digits.
3.6 Sign codes for packed BCD.
3.7 Gray code for 4 bits.
4.1 Minterms for three variables.
4.2 Maxterms for three variables.
5.1 BCD decoder.
5.2 Truth table for a 3×8 decoder with enable.
5.3 NOR-based SR latch state table.
5.4 SR latch with Control state table.
5.5 D latch with Control state table.
5.6 T flip-flop state table with D flip-flop inputs.
5.7 JK flip-flop state table with D flip-flop inputs.
6.1 X86-64 operating modes.
6.2 The x86-64 registers.
6.3 Assembly language names for portions of the general-purpose CPU registers.
6.4 General purpose registers.
7.1 Effect on other bits in a register when less than 64 bits are changed.
8.1 Common assembler directives for allocating memory.
8.2 Order of passing arguments in general purpose registers.
8.3 Register set up for using syscall instruction to read, write, or exit.
9.1 Walking through the code in Listing 9.4.
9.2 The mm field in the ModRM byte.
9.3 Machine code of general purpose registers.
10.1 Conditional jump instructions.
10.2 Conditional jump instructions for unsigned values.
10.3 Conditional jump instructions for signed values.
10.4 Machine code for the je instruction.
10.5 Instructions to double data size.
11.1 Argument register save area in stack frame.
12.1 Bit patterns (in binary) of the ASCII numerals and the corresponding 32-bit ints.
12.2 Register usage for the mul instruction.
12.3 Register usage for the div instruction.
12.4 Instructions to set up the dividend registers.
14.1 MXCSR status register.
14.2 SSE scalar floating point conversion instructions.
14.3 Some SSE floating point a4rithmetic and data movement instructions.
14.4 x87 Status Word.
14.5 A sampling of x87 floating point instructions.
15.1 Some system call codes for the syscall instruction.