Exercises 12.2 Programming Exercises
Assume that you do not know how many numerals there are, only that the first one is ‘
You can load the character ‘\(0\)’ into a register with the mov r4, #'0
instruction. And don't forget that the write
function requires that you pass it the address of the byte to write.
@ numerals.s @ Displays the numerals, 0 - 9 @ 2017-09-29: Bob Plantz @ Define my Raspberry Pi .cpu cortex-a53 .fpu neon-fp-armv8 .syntax unified @ modern syntax @ Useful source code constants .equ STDOUT,1 .equ numeral,-20 .equ local,8 @ Constant program data .section .rodata .align 2 @ The program .text .align 2 .global main .type main, %function main: sub sp, sp, 16 @ space for saving regs @ (keeping 8-byte sp align) str r4, [sp, 4] @ save r4 str fp, [sp, 8] @ fp str lr, [sp, 12] @ lr add fp, sp, 12 @ set our frame pointer sub sp, sp, local @ allocate memory for local var mov r4, '0 @ numeral 0 loop: strb r4, [fp, numeral] @ char must be @ in memory for write mov r0, STDOUT @ write to screen add r1, fp, numeral @ address of numeral mov r2, 1 @ one byte bl write add r4, r4, 1 @ next numeral cmp r4, '9 @ all numerals? ble loop @ no, keep going mov r0, 0 @ yes, return 0; add sp, sp, local @ deallocate local var ldr r4, [sp, 4] @ restore r4 ldr fp, [sp, 8] @ fp ldr lr, [sp, 12] @ lr add sp, sp, 16 @ sp bx lr @ return
Assume that you do not know how many alphabetic characters there are, only that the first one is ‘A’ and the last one is ‘Z’. Write a program in assembly language that displays all the letters, A,…, Z on the screen, one character at a time. Do not allocate a separate character for each numeral.
You can load the character ‘A’ into a register with the mov r4, #'A
instruction. And don't forget that the write
function requires that you pass it the address of the byte to write.
@ letters.s @ Displays the upper case alphabet, A - Z @ 2017-09-29: Bob Plantz @ Define my Raspberry Pi .cpu cortex-a53 .fpu neon-fp-armv8 .syntax unified @ modern syntax @ Useful source code constants .equ STDOUT,1 .equ alpha,-20 .equ local,8 @ Constant program data .section .rodata .align 2 @ The program .text .align 2 .global main .type main, %function main: sub sp, sp, 16 @ space for saving regs @ (keeping 8-byte sp align) str r4, [sp, 4] @ save r4 str fp, [sp, 8] @ fp str lr, [sp, 12] @ lr add fp, sp, 12 @ set our frame pointer sub sp, sp, local @ allocate memory for local var mov r4, 'A @ beginning of alphabet loop: strb r4, [fp, alpha] @ char must be @ in memory for write mov r0, STDOUT @ write to screen add r1, fp, alpha @ address of alpha mov r2, 1 @ one byte bl write add r4, r4, 1 @ next alpha cmp r4, 'Z @ whole alphabet? ble loop @ no, keep going mov r0, 0 @ yes, return 0; add sp, sp, local @ deallocate local var ldr r4, [sp, 4] @ restore r4 ldr fp, [sp, 8] @ fp ldr lr, [sp, 12] @ lr add sp, sp, 16 @ sp bx lr @ return